110+ Popular Hebrew and Jewish Twin Girl and Boy Names with Meanings

Twins on the way? Mazel Tov! Finding names for both your baby girl and boy can feel tricky. This guide unlocks 110+ amazing Hebrew & Jewish names, offering options for rhyming, matching letters, shared meanings, themes, and short & sweet picks. Let’s find the perfect pair for your double blessing!
Table of Contents
Hebrew and Jewish Twin Girl and Boy Names that Rhyme

- Abigail (AB-i-gayl) and Gabriel (GAY-bree-el)
- Abigail (אֲבִיגַיִל): Father’s joy, source of joy
- Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל): God is my strength
- Avigail (AH-vee-guy-uhl) and Rafael (rah-fy-el)
- Avigail (אֲבִיגַיִל): Father’s joy, source of joy
- Rafael (רָפָאֵל): God has healed
- Batya (BAT-yah) and Ezra (EZ-rah)
- Batya (בַּתְיָה): Daughter of God, daughter of Yahweh
- Ezra (עֶזְרָא): Help, helper
- Dalia (DAH-lee-uh) and Elias (ee-LIE-uhs)
- Dalia (דַּלְיָה): Branch, bough
- Elias (אֵלִיָּהוּ): My God is Yahweh
- Eliana (EL-ee-AH-nuh) and Jonah (JOH-nuh)
- Eliana (אֱלִיעַנָה): God has answered, God has responded
- Jonah (יוֹנָה): Dove, peaceful
- Esther (ES-ter) and Chester (CHESS-ter)
- Esther (אֶסְתֵּר): Star, myrtle leaf
- Chester (צ’סטר): Camp, fortress
- Esther (ES-ter) and Dexter (DEKS-ter)
- Esther (אֶסְתֵּר): Star, myrtle leaf
- Dexter (דֵקסטר): Right-handed, skilled
- Hannah (HAN-uh) and Noah (NOH-ah)
- Hannah (חַנָּה): Grace, favor
- Noah (נוֹחַ): Rest, comfort
- Leah (LEE-uh) and Jonah (JOH-nuh)
- Leah (לֵאָה): Weary, tired
- Jonah (יוֹנָה): Dove, peaceful
- Miriam (MIR-ee-uhm) and Liam (LEE-uhm)
- Miriam (מִרְיָם): Bitterness, rebellion
- Liam (לִיאָם): Strong-willed warrior
- Naomi (nay-OH-mee) and Jeremy (JER-uh-mee)
- Naomi (נָעֳמִי): Pleasantness, sweetness
- Jeremy (גֵ’רְמִי): God will uplift, God will exalt
- Rachel (RAY-chuhl) and Michael (MY-kuhl)
- Rachel (רָחֵל): Ewe, gentle
- Michael (מִיכָאֵל): Who is like God?
- Rebecca (ruh-BEK-uh) and Micah (MY-kuh)
- Rebecca (רִבְקָה): To tie, snare, noose
- Micah (מִיכָה): Who is like God?
- Shoshana (show-SHAH-nah) and Jonah (JOH-nuh)
- Shoshana (שׁוֹשַׁנָּה): Lily, rose
- Jonah (יוֹנָה): Dove, peaceful
- Talia (TAH-lee-ah) and Isaiah (eye-ZAY-uh)
- Talia (טַלְיָה): Dew from heaven
- Isaiah (יְשַׁעְיָהוּ): Salvation of Yahweh
- Tamar (TAM-ar) and Omar (OH-mar)
- Tamar (תָּמָר): Date palm tree
- Omar (עוֹמָר): Flourishing, long-lived
- Yael (YAYL) and Joel (JOHL)
- Yael (יָעֵל): Ibex, mountain goat
- Joel (יוֹאֵל): Yahweh is God
- Ziva (ZEE-vuh) and Micah (MY-kuh)
- Ziva (זִיוָה): Radiance, brightness
- Micah (מִיכָה): Who is like God?
Hebrew and Jewish Twin Girl and Boy Names with the Same Letter

- Avigail (AH-vee-gail) and Avraham (AHV-rah-ham)
- Avigail (אֲבִיגַיִל): Father’s joy, source of joy
- Avraham (אַבְרָהָם): Father of a multitude
- Avital (ah-VEE-tal) and Aviram (ah-VEE-ram)
- Avital (אֲבִיטָל): Father’s dew
- Aviram (אֲבִירָם): My father is exalted
- Batya (BAH-tyah) and Baruch (bah-ROOKH)
- Batya (בַּתְיָה): Daughter of God
- Baruch (בָּרוּךְ): Blessed
- Batyah (bah-TY-ah) and Binyamin (been-yah-MEEN)
- Batyah (בַּתְיָה): Daughter of God
- Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין): Son of the right hand
- Chava (HAH-vah) and Chanan (khah-NAHN)
- Chava (חַוָּה): Life, living
- Chanan (חָנָן): Compassionate, gracious
- Chaya (KHAI-ah) and Chaim (khah-EEM)
- Chaya (חַיָּה): Life, living
- Chaim (חַיִּים): Life
- Dafna (DAHF-nah) and Danial (DAHN-yahl)
- Dafna (דַפְנָה): Laurel, bay tree
- Danial (דָּנִיֵּאל): God is my judge
- Devorah (deh-voh-RAH) and David (DAH-veed)
- Devorah (דְּבוֹרָה): Bee
- David (דָּוִד): Beloved
- Eliana (eh-lee-AH-nah) and Eliezer (eh-lee-EH-zer)
- Eliana (אֱלִיעָנָה): My God has answered
- Eliezer (אֱלִיעֶזֶר): My God is help
- Esther (ES-ter) and Eli (EH-lee)
- Esther (אֶסְתֵּר): Star
- Eli (אֵלִי): Ascend, go up
- Galia (gah-LEE-ah) and Gavriel (gahv-ree-EL)
- Galia (גַּלְיָה): Wave, fountain
- Gavriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל): God is my strength
- Galit (GAH-leet) and Gideon (GID-ee-on)
- Galit (גָּלִית): Wave
- Gideon (גִּדְעוֹן): Hewer, one who cuts down
- Hadara (ha-DAH-rah) and Harel (ha-REHL)
- Hadara (הֲדָרָה): Splendor, glory
- Harel (הַרְאֵל): Mountain of God
- Hadassah (ha-DAH-sah) and Hillel (HIL-el)
- Hadassah (הֲדַסָּה): Myrtle tree
- Hillel (הִלֵּל): Praise
- Ilana (ee-LAH-nah) and Isaac (AY-sak)
- Ilana (אִילָנָה): Tree
- Isaac (יִצְחָק): He will laugh
- Ilanit (ee-LAH-neet) and Itamar (ee-tah-MAR)
- Ilanit (אִילָנִית): Young tree
- Itamar (אִיתָמָר): Palm island
- Jordyn (JOR-din) and Jonah (JOH-nuh)
- Jordyn (ג׳וּרְדֵין): Descendant
- Jonah (יוֹנָה): Dove
- Judith (JOO-dith) and Judah (JOO-duh)
- Judith (יוֹדִית): Praised
- Judah (יְהוּדָה): Praised, thanksgiving
- Keren (KEH-ren) and Kaleb (KAH-leb)
- Keren (קֶרֶן): Horn, ray of light
- Kaleb (כָּלֵב): Dog, faithful
- Liora (lee-OR-ah) and Leo (LEE-oh)
- Liora (לִיאוֹרָה): Light
- Leo (לֵו): Lion
- Michal (mee-KHAHL) and Moshe (MOH-sheh)
- Michal (מִיכַל): Who is like God?
- Moshe (מֹשֶׁה): Drawn out of the water
- Naomi (nay-OH-mee) and Noah (NOH-ah)
- Naomi (נָעֳמִי): Pleasantness
- Noah (נֹחַ): Rest, comfort
- Orly (AWR-lee) and Oren (AW-ren)
- Orly (אוֹרְלִי): Light
- Oren (אוֹרֵן): Pine tree
- Penina (peh-NEE-nah) and Pinchas (PEEN-khahs)
- Penina (פְּנִינָה): Pearl
- Pinchas (פִּינְחָס): Oracle, mouthpiece
- Rachel (RAY-chuhl) and Raphael (rah-fah-AYL)
- Rachel (רָחֵל): Ewe, lamb
- Raphael (רָפָאֵל): God has healed
- Sarah (SAIR-ah) and Simon (SEE-mun)
- Sarah (שָׂרָה): Princess, noblewoman
- Simon (שִׁמְעוֹן): Hearing, listening
- Tamar (tah-MAHR) and Tzvi (tsvee)
- Tamar (תָּמָר): Date palm
- Tzvi (צְבִי): Deer, gazelle
- Yael (YA-ehl) and Yitzhak (yeet-SHAK)
- Yael (יָעֵל): Ibex, mountain goat
- Yitzhak (יִצְחָק): He will laugh
- Zahava (zah-HAH-vah) and Zachariah (zak-uh-RYE-uh)
- Zahava (זַהֲבָה): Golden, precious
- Zachariah (זְכַרְיָה): Yahweh remembers
Hebrew and Jewish Twin Girl and Boy Names with the Same Meaning

- Avigail (ah-VEE-gail) and Avraham (ahv-RAH-ham)
- Avigail (אֲבִיגַיִל): Father of many, father of a multitude
- Avraham (אַבְרָהָם): Father of a multitude
- Chaya (KHAI-ah) and Chaim (khah-EEM)
- Chaya (חַיָּה): Life
- Chaim (חַיִּים): Life
- Devorah (deh-voh-RAH) and David (DAH-veed)
- Devorah (דְּבוֹרָה): Bee, beloved
- David (דָּוִד): Beloved, friend
- Eden (EE-den) and Adin (ah-DEEN)
- Eden (עֵדֶן): Delight, luxury
- Adin (עָדִין): Delicate, gentle
- Gilah (gee-LAH) and Gilead (GIL-ee-ad)
- Gilah (גִּילָה): Eternal joy, perpetual happiness
- Gilead (גִּלְעָד): Heap of witness, monument of testimony
- Hadassah (hah-DAH-sah) and Ethan (EE-tahn)
- Hadassah (הֲדַסָּה): Myrtle, strong
- Ethan (אֵיתָן): Strong, enduring
- Ilana (ee-LAH-nah) and Elon (EH-lohn)
- Ilana (אִילָנָה): Oak tree, strong
- Elon (אֵילוֹן): Oak tree
- Jordana (yor-DAH-nah) and Jordan (JOR-dan)
- Jordana (יוֹרְדָנָה): Descend, flowing down
- Jordan (יַרְדֵן): Descend, flowing down
- Keshet (keh-SHET) and Karesh (KAH-resh)
- Keshet (קֶשֶׁת): Rainbow, divine promise
- Karesh (קָרֵשׁ): Divine promise
- Leah (LAY-ah) and Lev (LEV)
- Leah (לֵאָה): Lioness, brave
- Lev (לֵב): Heart
- Mila (MEE-lah) and Milos (MEE-lohs)
- Mila (מִילָה): Gracious, dear
- Milos (מִילוֹס): Beloved
- Neta (NEH-tah) and Netanel (neh-tah-NEHL)
- Neta (נֶטַע): Plant, seedling, gift
- Netanel (נְתַנְאֵל): Gift of God, God’s gift
- Orly (AWR-lee) and Oren (AW-ren)
- Orly (אוֹרְלִי): Light
- Oren (אוֹרֵן): Pine tree
- Pnina (peh-NEE-nah) and Pinchas (PEEN-khahs)
- Pnina (פְּנִינָה): Pearl, precious
- Pinchas (פִּינְחָס): Oracle, mouthpiece
- Roni (ROH-nee) and Ronen (ROH-nen)
- Roni (רוֹנִי): Joyful, song
- Ronen (רוֹנֵן): Joyful, song
- Shira (SHEE-rah) and Shiran (shee-RAHN)
- Shira (שִׁירָה): Song, melody
- Shiran (שִׁירָן): Song
- Tamar (tah-MAHR) and Teomim (teh-OH-meem)
- Tamar (תָּמָר): Date palm, upright
- Teomim (תְּאוֹמִים): Twins, pair
- Urit (oo-REET) and Uriel (oor-ee-EL)
- Urit (אוּרִית): Light
- Uriel (אוּרִיאֵל): Light of God, God is my light
- Varda (VAR-dah) and Vardan (var-DAN)
- Varda (וַרְדָּה): Rose, flower
- Vardan (וַרְדָּן): Rose
- Zahara (zah-HAH-rah) and Zohar (ZOH-har)
- Zahara (זַהֲרָה): Radiant, shining
- Zohar (זֹהַר): Radiance, light
Hebrew and Jewish Twin Girl and Boy Names with the Same Theme

- Flower Theme:
- Tamar (tah-MAHR) and Ilan (ee-LAHN)
- Tamar (תָּמָר): Date palm, upright
- Ilan (אִילָן): Tree, oak
- Vered (veh-RED) and Shoshan (sho-SHAN)
- Vered (וֶרֶד): Rose
- Shoshan (שׁוֹשָׁן): Lily, rose
- Einav (EH-nahv) and Alon (ah-LOHN)
- Einav (עֵינָב): Grape
- Alon (אַלּוֹן): Oak tree
- Tamar (tah-MAHR) and Ilan (ee-LAHN)
- Love Theme:
- Ahava (ah-HAH-vah) and David (DAH-veed)
- Ahava (אַהֲבָה): Love
- David (דָּוִד): Beloved, friend
- Devorah (deh-voh-RAH) and Jedidiah (jeh-DEE-dee-ah)
- Devorah (דְּבוֹרָה): Bee, beloved
- Jedidiah (יְדִידְיָה): Beloved of Yahweh
- Ahuva (ah-HOO-vah) and Ami (AH-mee)
- Ahuva (אַהֲבָה): Love, beloved
- Ami (עַמִּי): My people
- Ahava (ah-HAH-vah) and David (DAH-veed)
- Nature Theme:
- Eden (EE-den) and Adam (AH-dahm)
- Eden (עֵדֶן): Delight, luxury
- Adam (אָדָם): Man, earth
- Maayan (mah-YAHN) and Yonatan (yoh-nah-TAHN)
- Maayan (מַעְיָן): Spring, fountain
- Yonatan (יוֹנָתָן): God has given, gift of God
- Erez (EH-rehz) and Tzur (tzoor)
- Erez (אֶרֶז): Cedar
- Tzur (צוּר): Rock, cliff
- Eden (EE-den) and Adam (AH-dahm)
- Animal Theme:
- Dvora (dvor-AH) and Aryeh (ah-RYE)
- Dvora (דְּבוֹרָה): Bee, beloved
- Aryeh (אַרְיֵה): Lion
- Yael (yah-EL) and Zev (ZEV)
- Yael (יָעֵל): Ibex, mountain goat
- Zev (זְאֵב): Wolf
- Dvora (dvor-AH) and Aryeh (ah-RYE)
- Gift of God Theme:
- Netanya (neh-tah-NYAH) and Matan (mah-TAHN)
- Netanya (נְתַנְיָה): Given by God
- Matan (מַתָּן): Gift
- Tiferet (tee-feh-RET) and Yehuda (yeh-hoo-DAH)
- Tiferet (תִּפְאֶרֶת): Beauty, glory
- Yehuda (יְהוּדָה): Praise, gratitude
- Netanya (neh-tah-NYAH) and Matan (mah-TAHN)
- Royal Theme:
- Malka (MAHL-kah) and Melech (MEH-lekh)
- Malka (מַלְכָּה): Queen
- Melech (מֶלֶךְ): King
- Sarah (SAH-rah) and Nadav (nah-DAHV)
- Sarah (שָׂרָה): Princess, noblewoman
- Nadav (נָדָב): Generous, noble
- Leora (LAY-or-ah) and Haim (khah-EEM)
- Leora (לֵאָה): Light
- Haim (חַיִּים): Life
- Malka (MAHL-kah) and Melech (MEH-lekh)
- Vintage Theme:
- Esther (ESS-ter) and Mordechai (mor-de-KHAI)
- Esther (אֶסְתֵּר): Star
- Mordechai (מָרְדֳּכַי): Warrior, defender
- Rivka (REEV-kah) and Avraham (ahv-RAH-ham)
- Rivka (רִבְקָה): To tie, to bind
- Avraham (אַבְרָהָם): Father of many, father of a multitude
- Miriam (MI-ree-ahm) and Yosef (yoh-SEF)
- Miriam (מִרְיָם): Wished-for child, rebellion
- Yosef (יוֹסֵף): God will add, may He add
- Esther (ESS-ter) and Mordechai (mor-de-KHAI)
- Gemstone Theme:
- Ruby (ROO-bee) and Rubin (ROO-bin)
- Ruby (רוּבִי): Red gemstone
- Rubin (רוּבִין): Behold, a son
- Pearl (PERL) and Onyx (OH-niks)
- Pearl (פֶּרְל): Pearl
- Onyx (אוֹנִיקס): Gemstone, precious stone
- Ruby (ROO-bee) and Rubin (ROO-bin)
- Seasonal Theme:
- Chaviva (kha-VEE-vah) and Aviv (ah-VEEV)
- Chaviva (חֲבִיבָה): Beloved, darling
- Aviv (אָבִיב): Spring
- Tali (TAH-lee) and Barad (bah-RAHD)
- Tali (טָלִי): Dew
- Barad (בָּרָד): Hail
- Chaviva (kha-VEE-vah) and Aviv (ah-VEEV)
- Music Theme:
- Nava (NAH-vah) and Shir (SHEER)
- Nava (נָוָה): Pleasant, beautiful
- Shir (שִׁיר): Song
- Tamar (tah-MAHR) and Zimri (ZIM-ree)
- Tamar (תָּמָר): Date palm, upright
- Zimri (זִמְרִי): My song, my music
- Nava (NAH-vah) and Shir (SHEER)
- Space Theme:
- Stella (STEH-lah) and Kochav (koh-KHAV)
- Stella (סְטֶלָה): Star
- Kochav (כוֹכָב): Star
- Ma’ayan (mah-ah-YAHN) and Orion (oh-REE-ohn)
- Ma’ayan (מַעְיָן): Spring, fountain
- Orion (אוֹרִיוֹן): Light, constellation
- Stella (STEH-lah) and Kochav (koh-KHAV)
Hebrew and Short and Sweet Jewish Twin Girl and Boy Names

- Amy (AY-mee) and Dai (DAY)
- Amy (עָמִי): My nation
- Dai (דַּי): Sufficient, enough
- Ana (AH-nuh) and Kai (KY)
- Ana (אַנָּה): Answer, grace
- Kai (קַי): Alive, living
- Ava (AH-vah) and Zev (ZEV)
- Ava (אַוָּה): Desired, wished for
- Zev (זֵאב): Wolf
- Bea (BEE-uh) and Zay (ZAY)
- Bea (בְּעָה): Seeker
- Zay (זַי): Radiance, glow
- Bea (BEE-uh) and Zea (ZEE-uh)
- Bea (בְּעָה): Seeker
- Zea (זֶאָה): Light, brilliance
- Ema (EE-mah) and Zema (ZEE-mah)
- Ema (אֵמָה): Whole, universal
- Zema (זֵימָא): Noise, tumult
- Emi (EM-ee) and Kai (KY)
- Emi (אֵמִי): My mother
- Kai (קַי): Alive, living
- Eve (EEV) and Neve (NEEV)
- Eve (חַוָּה): Life, living
- Neve (נֶוֶה): Pleasant place, oasis
- Eya (AY-uh) and Feya (FAY-uh)
- Eya (אֵיה): Where?
- Feya (פֵּיהָ): Her mouth
- Fia (FEE-uh) and Dia (DY-uh)
- Fia (פִּיהָ): Her mouth
- Dia (דִּיָּה): Enough, sufficiency
- Gem (JEM) and Rem (REM)
- Gem (גֵּם): Also, even
- Rem (רֶם): Exalted, high
- Ivy (EYE-vee) and Lev (LEV)
- Ivy (אַיְוִי): Desired, wished for
- Lev (לֵב): Heart
- Ivy (EYE-vee) and Ziv (ZEEV)
- Ivy (אַיְוִי): Desired, wished for
- Ziv (זִיו): Radiance, brightness
- Liv (LIHV) and Jiv (JIV)
- Liv (לִיב): Heart
- Jiv (גִ’יב): Gib (Russian word for “hunchback”)
- Liv (LIHV) and Rik (RIHK)
- Liv (לִיב): Heart
- Rik (רִיק): Empty, void
- May (MAY) and Ray (RAY)
- May (מַי): Water
- Ray (רַי): My shepherd
- Mia (MEE-uh) and Eli (EL-ee)
- Mia (מִיה): Who is like Yahweh?
- Eli (אֵלִי): Ascend, go up
- Rya (RY-uh) and Tyra (TY-ruh)
- Rya (רִיה): Fragrance, scent
- Tyra (טַיְרָה): Untamed, wild
- Zia (ZEE-uh) and Kia (KY-uh)
- Zia (זִיה): Light, splendor
- Kia (קִיה): Who is like Yahweh?
- Zoe (ZOH-ee) and Boe (BOH-ee)
- Zoe (זוֹאֵי): Life, alive
- Boe (בּוֹאֵי): Comers, arrivals
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